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support financiallyの例文


  • They had eight children, whom Wald made little effort to support financially.
  • The first question would be : Is there adequate support financially for it?
  • Bin Laden remains at large in Afghanistan, sheltered by the Taliban, which he supports financially.
  • He is supporting self funded NGO " Vazeefa's " to support financially students in need.
  • The Departments have had a legal obligation to support financially the Department Archives service since 1838.
  • Baseball commissioner Bud Selig said last week his sport could no longer support financially struggling teams.
  • And after being diagnosed with cancer, he created the Lenny Fund to support financially needy social programs.
  • Some views are heard only if interested individuals are willing to support financially the candidate or committee voicing the position.
  • Currently, she serves on the National Board of Directors of Communities in Schools, a non-profit organization which supports financially disadvantaged schoolchildren.
  • All these deaths occurred within a two-year period between 1965 and 1967, devastating Purdy's basis of support financially, critically and personally.
  • However, after 1890 a nobleman from Trakai, Alexey Peiker, agreed to support financially the construction of an Orthodox church in Semeliaks.
  • He alluded to U . S .-led efforts to obtain as much as dlrs 50 billion to support financially ailing Mexico.
  • As a result, they say, the country can adopt security measures as stringent as its people will tolerate politically or support financially.
  • However, in 1930 the idea was abandoned, because the local government agreed to support financially the construction of a new Orthodox cathedral.
  • On the Tokyo Stock Exchange, prices were buoyed by the stronger dollar and another indication that the government will support financially troubled banks.
  • Share prices were buoyed by the stronger U . S . dollar and another indication that the government will support financially troubled banks.
  • Gold Coast Mayor Tom Tate offered his condolences to the families of those affected and extended any support financially and emotionally to all those involved.
  • Parkinson, who supports financially the daughter born to Miss Keays but has reportedly never seen the child, retired from the House of Commons in 1992.
  • It used to be unthinkable for Chinese and other Asian families not to support financially their elderly parents and other kin in times of need.
  • On 22 September 2010, P閠er Szijj醨t? the correspondent of the Hungarian government, announced that the Hungarian government will support financially the construction of a new stadium in Debrecen.
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